CWTAT? | Drinking | Ep. 4

Hangover, part 0.

Do you like drinking? Do you pretend to take shots? Join us on this episode of Can We Talk About This? where we explore the social pressures, enjoyments, and quirks of drinking.

CWTAT? | Texting | Ep. 3

*Emoji of a microphone*

Green texts? Blue texts? What even is ROFL? Join us in our conversation about how to navigate the complicated world of texting...and find out which emojis we use most.

CWTAT? | The A Formation | Ep. 2

Don't be the little line between the upside-down V in an A formation.

Is the audio a little messed up? Yes. Is this a learning process? YES. Join us, Pharra, and Jaime in our discussion about sidewalk etiquette. Should we walk like we drive? Should we all walk fast? Listen in and hear our thoughts.

CWTAT? | Holding Doors | Ep. 1

Always hold the door unless you're more than a basketball chest pass away.

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